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To be able to enjoy your pool as quickly as possible once spring arrives, you need to make it summer-ready. Working through the following steps will allow you to enjoy your pool as soon as the sun comes back out.
The steps below are a recommendation and may differ from the instructions provided by your pool supplier or manufacturer. Always follow the instructions provided by your pool supplier or manufacturer.
» Start by removing dirt from your pool cover with a scoop net. If there is a lot of water on the cover, pump it out/remove it before removing the cover.
» Clean the cover with clean water and a soft brush. Allow the cover to dry thoroughly and store it in a dry place. Clean the skimmers and remove leaves and coarse dirt from in and around the pool. Use a bottom scoop net and a surface scoop net to do this.
» Use a pool brush to remove dirt and any deposits from the walls and bottom. Vacuum sand and fine dirt from the bottom with a brush with suction nozzle or an automatic bottom vacuum cleaner. You can remove a greasy edge, if there is one, with a wall scrubbing brush or soft sponge.
» Fill the pool to the normal level with mains water.
Please note! Fill with regular mains water and not well water or groundwater as the latter often have high iron levels.
» If the filter grit has been in use for five years or more, we highly recommend replacing it with new filter grit. Filter grit loses its cleaning capacity as it ages. When the filter system is ready for use again, backflush your filter first!
Do this for at least three minutes and, if necessary, refill the pool slightly with clean mains water. » You can now run the filter system continuously. Allow the filter system to filter for around three days (depending on the soiling of the water). Filter for more or less time until the water is clear again.
» Please note! If the pool is fairly heavily soiled, you should backflush it several times a day. This should be four to five times per day for one to two minutes, depending on the condition of the water.
» If you have completed all the steps correctly, the swimming pool will now be free of coarse dirt and sand. Once you have started filtering the water, you can start adding chemicals.
» You should now check the pH level of the water. If the pH level is wrong, the chlorine that you add later will be less effective and you will use up more chlorine than you need to. Check the pH level with swimming water test strips or a digital tester.
If the pH level is too high, use pH Minus to reduce the level, and use pH Plus to raise the level if it’s too low. The dosing instructions on the packaging will tell you how much to add.
You can also visit www.interline-pool.com for detailed dosage recommendations for your swimming pool (these recommendations apply to Interline chemicals, other brands may recommend different dosages).
Always follow the instructions on the packaging. Always dissolve the chemicals in a bucket of lukewarm water, never add water to the chemicals. Do this outdoors.
» If the pH level is correct, you can administer a shock treatment with chlorine granules to the water, if need be. You should administer a shock treatment if your swimming pool water is green or milky white or if you measure no chlorine with the test strips, but still smell a strong odour of chlorine.
Administer the shock treatment according to the dosing schedule on the packaging or the Interline dosing schedule. A shock treatment should ideally take place in the evening. Do not swim for at least 24 hours after shock treatment.

Your swimming pool is ready
As mentioned earlier, you should now run the filter system for a minimum of three days with interim backflushing, as outlined above.
Your pool is now ready for the new swimming season. We recommend checking the chlorine and pH levels of the water at regular intervals and correcting them as necessary. Regular chlorine doses are administered with chlorine tablets. Dose with a chlorine floater. Remove the chlorine floater when swimming.
Make sure to keep chemicals out of the reach of children at all times. WWW.INTERLINE-POOL.COM
For further information on Interline products, please visit www.interline-products.com