Swimming fun and wellness
Interline is the brand name for the quality products that Interhiva supplies to retailers. Interhiva is a European distributor and importer of a wide range of wellness products...

About us
Interline is the brand name for the quality products that Interhiva supplies to retailers. Interhiva is a European distributor and importer of a wide range of wellness products; In addition to the regular range, a specific delivery program has been developed especially for the retail channel. We have been supplying only top quality products for almost 50 years; in that time we have built a unique reputation for wellness products.
The number 1 in water treatment
Besides the fact that it is not fresh to sit or swim in dirty water, it is also not good for your health. We therefore offer a whole range of water treatment products to keep your water fresh and clean.

Simply Genius
No more worrying about the maintenance of the swimming pool water. Go for clean, clear and safe water. Everything you need for your pool water. No more need for a float for children to play with. Connect & Enjoy! Easy to connect.